Hi Everyone!

Hi Everyone!

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Hi guys, wanted to welcome you to my new website as well as this brand new blog. I plan or at hope that I will be able to post a new blog entry at least once a week. Sometimes I feel like Instagram doesn’t offer up enough space to post lengthy posts. I do hope the swill be a good practice for me, when it comes to writing and coming up with new ideas for projects or what to talk about. Ive always been better at taking pictures or drawing, rather then writing, somehow I always seem to run out of things to say…

Beside this being an extension of my Instagram account, it will also hopefully offer a space to try out new ideas, when it comes to photography, art or just lifestyle stuff, basically a journal style blog.

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Ive been working on my website design for over a month now, first it took me forever to just pick a theme, cause common there are like a thousand good ones and they are also kind of all amazing and just slightly different. The more choice you have, the harder the decision. I feel like my website is still far from finished and that I still want to add things, to make it more interesting and somehow cooler, though the concept of cool is rather abstract. The last version of my site, was quite simple and somehow I seem to have forgotten all that I had learned about WordPress and web design. So much so, that I had to start from scratch again. It’s like you have an idea, of what you want, but you don’t have a clear vision and think that if you see it you’ll know. Unfortunately that never happens when you need, only when you don’t….

Thought I’ll add some pics that I took for the entry page of my side. It started with the idea that it had to be photography related and dark, preferably all black with just some light, but I didn’t just want a random pick. Then I remembered I saw a picture of a round object or maybe it was a lens, who knows. I decided to take pictures of my camera lenses. Which then I had to edit a bit and add some more black and some grain, to make it a bit more interesting. Check out the pics below of the different stages from idea to final image.




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